Rugby player placing ball on ground

Neuromuscular Training Warm-Up Program for Rugby

About SHRED injuries Rugby Neuromuscular Training Warm-Up Program

The SHRED injuries Rugby neuromuscular training warm-up program was developed in partnership with World Rugby, Rugby Canada, and the University of Bath. Working with our colleagues from the University of Bath, this program was adapted from their original Activate warm-up program to fit the Canadian rugby environment (i.e. shorter seasons, introductions to the rugby at an older age, etc). 

The Activate program was evaluated in male youth and adult rugby players in the UK. Our current research is evaluating the effectiveness of this program in reducing injuries in male and female youth rugby players in Canada.

The SHRED injuries Rugby neuromuscular training warm-up program includes a 'Neck control & endurance' category in addition to the four typical categories included in neuromuscular training warm-up programs (aerobic, balance, strength, and agility). Exercises within this category are aimed at preventing concussions.

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Neck control & endurance

Exercises to develop movement control for the head on neck.

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Running-based activities to warm up and develop control and technique when changing direction.

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Exercises to develop movement control and stability in the lower body and trunk.

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Bodyweight or partner resistance activities to develop strength and control through the lower and upper body.

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Landing and change of direction activities to develop power and control.

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Neck control & endurance

Female rugby athletes performing static neck contractions

Level 1: Static neck contractions

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Rugby athlete performing Stationary Bear Crawl Neutral Neck Hold exercise

Level 2: Stationary bear crawl: Neutral neck hold

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Rugby athletes performing Standing Partner Nudges exercise

Level 1: Standing partner nudges

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Rugby athletes performing Bear Crawl Bobbleheads exercise

Level 2: Stationary bear crawl: Bobbleheads

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Rugby athlete performing Snake Run exercise

Level 1: Snake run

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Rugby athlete performing Snake Run exercise

Level 2: Snake run

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Athlete performing Forward Zig-zag Side Shuffle exercise

Level 1: Forward zig-zag side shuffle

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Athletes performing Partner Plant and Cut exercise

Level 2: Partner plant & cut

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Athlete performing A skips forward and backward

Level 1: Skipping: Forward & Backward

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Athlete performing A skips sideways

Level 2: Skipping: Sideways

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Athlete performing Airplane Balance exercise

Level 1: Airplane balance

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Athletes performing Partner Hip Hinge Ball Roll exercise

Level 2: Hip hinge ball roll (Partner)

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Athlete performing Dynamic Squat exercise

Level 1: Dynamic squat

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Athletes performing squat pass with jump catch exercise

Level 2: Single leg squat pass and jump catch (Partner)

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Athlete performing front plank on elbows exercise

Level 1: Front plank

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Athlete performing front plank on elbows with leg lifts

Level 2: Front plank with alternating leg lifts

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Athlete performing side plank exercise

Level 1: Side plank

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Athlete performing side plank with torso rotation exercise

Level 2: Side plank with torso rotation

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Athletes performing nordic hamstring curl exercise

Level 1: Nordic hamstring curl

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Athletes performing nordic hamstring curl exercise

Level 2: Nordic hamstring curl

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Athletes performing stationary lunge with partner claps exercise

Level 1: Stationary lunge with partner claps

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Athlete performing walking lunges with torso rotation and leg lift exercise

Level 2: Forward walking lunges with torso rotation and leg lift

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Athlete performing 4-D lunge exercise

Level 1: 4-D lunges

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Athlete performing side lunge with arm circles exercise

Level 2: Side lunge with arm circles

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Athlete performing multidirectional bear crawl exercise

Level 1: Multidirectional bear crawl

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Athlete performing bouncers exercise

Level 2: Bouncers

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Athlete performing single leg hops exercise

Level 1: Single-leg hops

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Athlete performing skate jump exercise

Level 2: Skate jumps

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Athlete performing shuttle run with outside foot direction change exercise

Level 1: Shuttle run with outside foot direction change

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Athlete performing shuttle run with inside foot direction change exercise

Level 2: Shuttle run with inside foot direction change

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