Multidirectional bear crawl
Category: Agility
Level: 1
Carla van den Berg
Crawl forward, backward and sideways while maintaining good bear crawl form:
- Neutral head/neck position throughout the exercise
- Shoulders engaged; look for a flat t-shirt sitting across the shoulder blades
- Flat, level back
- Move opposing arm & leg together in forward and backward directions
- When moving sideways, arms & legs can move together in opposition or from same side
- Head/neck moving out of neutral line. Watch for wrinkles near the base of the neck
- Cue "Long, strong neck"
- Cue "Imagine a string attached to the top of your head pulling it forward"
- Rounded upper-back
- Cue "Pinch the shoulder blades down and back"
- Sagging lower-back
- Cue "Pull belly-button up towards ribs"
- Cue "Bring the hips higher"
- Knees too far back from hips
- Cue "Step the feet forward"
- Hips dipping side-to-side
- Cue “Hips square towards floor”
- Rugby-specific position (e.g. scrum)
- Reinforces safe, neutral neck position
- Activates trunk muscles
- Activates shoulder muscles
- Challenges trunk stability