Anabel Selemon

Twelfth cohort

Scholars Academy

Bachelor of Health Sciences

3rd Year

Contact information


Bonjour, world! My name is Anabel, part-time Francophile (I miss you, Montreal!), a bonafide current events expert, and an occasional creative writer. My life's philosophy is to get my hands dirty. The world does not change unless people do something to make it happen. A positive impact, large or small, moves the needle towards scoring some victory for humanity.

I dream to pursue such high-impact work in humanitarian settings as a disease-detective, better known as an 'epidemiologist'; a career not well known prior to the global pandemic, but have become the heroes of the 2020s. As an epidemiologist, with a particular niche interest in infectious diseases, I am to driven work to address global structural inequities, bolstering surveillance capacities, and leading emergency preparedness and response to outbreaks, disasters, and, of course, global pandemics.
In pursuit of my dreams, I have been able to develop my research competencies and team-player abilities in the Health and Society stream of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program and have further dived into my interests as a member of SeroTracker, tackling exciting work as we track SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence worldwide.

My life is filled with incredible opportunities and privileges, not only to pursue higher education, but basic human rights such my civil liberties and access to clean water, all of which are not afforded to so many around the world. I want to get my hands dirty, and be a part of the change I want to see in the world: improving global public health.


  • Alexander Rutherford Award (2020)
  • Jason Lang Scholarship (2021)
  • O'Brien Centre Scholarship (2022)