Centrally Scheduled Academic Room Change Request Form

Complete this form if you wish to have an academic class relocated within (or to) Centrally Scheduled space after the schedule of classes has been published or to request a change of room for your final examination.

Note that the farther in advance that you complete this request, the more likely we will be able to accommodate it; however, we cannot promise that we will be able to process all requests. Requests made on the first week of classes will be addressed on a first-come, first-served basis, and cannot be guaranteed. Classrooms are a limited resource, especially during peak hours and for classroom capacities greater than 100. There are approximately 148 centrally scheduled classrooms to be shared amongst 2000 courses each term. For Final Exam change of room requests, please indicate in the rationale that it is for a final exam.

Please DO NOT complete this form if:

It is important to review your classrooms in advance of the term and ensure that the teaching space will meet your instructional needs. Fall/winter room bookings are made by March 1 each year. Spring/summer room bookings are made by Feb. 1 each year. Requests may be made well in advance through your faculty/department scheduler in the class comments regarding the need for medical accommodations or for collaborative learning (moveable) space for capacities less than 80. Refer to the Classroom Search Tool to see potential spaces.

(e.g.: ARKY 201, CPSC 499, POLI 310B, etc...)
(LEC 01, LAB B07, TUT T02, etc...) Please do not indicate L01, L02, etc... as this may refer to LEC 01 or LAB 01.
Is this a combined section?
Do you wish to change the capacity of this class? *
Please ensure that any rooms specified are Centrally Scheduled. We are unable to assign rooms outside Centrally Scheduled space. Note that there are no classrooms larger than 80 that have moveable furniture. You may wish to include 2nd or 3rd choices, especially for larger rooms, or during popular teaching times between 10:00am and 3:00pm. Consider accessing Astra to see which rooms may be available. Please contact schedule@ucalgary.ca if would like to access this feature.
Please be specific as to why you need to change classrooms and why the specific criteria above is important. Information that is more specific will allow greater flexibility in making changes. Please indicate if the request is because of a medical or mobility-related accommodation, but note that if the change is requested after the start of classes, we cannot guarantee that an alternate room will be available; however we will do our best.