Approach jumps (Controlled)
Category: Agility
Level: 1
- Focus on volleyball specific step-tempo (Slow- quick-quick)
- Soft bend at knees and hips
- Knees stacked over ankles
- Pause at landing to gain control before peeling away
- Arms swing backwards with last two steps and drive forwards upon takeoff
- Attack the ground with heels followed by toes to drive upwards
- Athlete should perform peeling movements in both directions regardless of position
- Lazy arms
- Cue “Swing from shoulders”
- Knee caving in on change of direction
- Cue “Knee over pinky toe”
- Jumping forward instead of up
- Cue “Drive to the sky”
- Increases heart and breathing rates
- Practices in games movements at a slower pace to improve technique
- Practices safe, soft landing