Nordic hamstring curl

Category: Strength

Level: 1

3-6 reps

Carla van den Berg

  • Supporting partner anchors by holding just below the calf muscle, supporting with their own body weight
  • Athlete maintains straight line from head to knees throughout the movement; Bracing the trunk and squeezing the glutes
  • Athlete slowly leans forward from the knees; will feel tension in hamstrings
  • When no longer able to maintain controlled lean, athlete falls the rest of the way towards the floor, catching themselves with their hands
  • Falling too quickly
    • Cue "Lean forward slowly until you cannot anymore"
    • Cue "Brace the core muscles as if you are ready to take a punch to the stomach"
  • Bending at the hips
    • Cue "Stay tall from head to knees"
  • *Some athletes may not be used to the tension in the hamstrings during the lowering phase. This type of discomfort is normal. It should not be painful.


  • Develops hamstring strength
  • Prevents hamstring strains
  • Contributes to knee injury prevention