create mms


Collaborative Research and Training Experience: Multi-Sensor Systems


The overall objective of the Research Program in CREATE MSS is to integrate technologies and methodologies from geomatics, electrical, mechanical and software engineering in order to develop systems to address a wide range of practical challenges. In the short-term, this will include identifying and developing inter-disciplinary synergies to address current research challenges with an emphasis on identifying new sensors and/or sensor combinations for data acquisition and, subsequently, novel algorithms for integrating the data. In the long-term, the program aims to develop low-cost prototype systems that integrate all available sensor data to address a variety of practical applications primarily involving navigation, mapping and autonomous system control. To accomplish these objectives, the program is divided into the following themes:

  • Acquisition and Sensing Platforms

  • Sensor Integration

  • Human Interaction and Analytics

  • Applications

Although listed separately, the four themes will necessarily require extensive interaction and discussion since they all contribute equally to the success of any multi-sensor system. To this end, success of the program will be ensured by the fact that the team spans multiple branches of engineering and that the applicants’ colleagues from other faculties, such as computer science and kinesiology, will also be invited to participate on an as-needed basis.

  • Identifying and developing inter-disciplinary synergies to address research challenges (identifying new sensors and/or sensor combinations).
  • Novel algorithms for integrating the data.
  • Developing low-cost prototype systems (integrate sensor data to address practical applications primarily involving navigation, mapping and autonomous system control).

Research Theme

Research Theme

We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Nous remercions le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) de son soutien.

MMSS Group