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Graduate Positions

There are opportunities in the group for motivated and capable graduate students to develop novel isotope abundance measurement methods and engage in research in nuclear physics, environmental, and life sciences. Because we are in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, graduate students should have a background in Physics. Co-supervision with colleagues in other departments is possible for students in related disciplines.  Please contact us to explore what openings are available by emailing Dr. Mike Wieser at

"The Isotope Science Laboratory has exciting opportunities for graduate students who are interested in applied research in environmental and life sciences. I love the opportunity our equipment gives in pursing research that truly interests us and has an impact on challenges in the environment and health."

Graduate student

Undergraduate Opportunities

Summer Positions

Our group offers students hands on experience in a research lab. Any students interested in this type of research and further developing their in lab skills are encouraged to reach out.

If you are interested in pursuing a summer position with our lab, contact Dr. Wieser at

Selected students will be expected to apply for grants to fund their work. Please see the links here to check the eligibility requirements for the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) and NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards. Some students may also be asked to apply for a scholarship through the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics, please review the eligibility requirements and application procedure.


PHYS 598/599

PHYS 598 and 599 are senior thesis courses designed for students to complete during the Fall and/or Winter semesters near the end of their degree. For department provided information on these courses and the registration process, see here.

If you are interested in completing your thesis with our lab, please contact Dr. Wieser at