Close up image of a multicollector

Isotope Science Laboratory

Our Mission

Here in the Isotope Science Laboratory, we aim to broaden our understanding of physical, biological, and nuclear processes through the analysis and interpretation of isotopic composition of the elements.  We apply our tools and knowledge to investigations in the Life, Environmental, and Nuclear sciences. 

Curiosity, creativity and a passion for knowledge are universal for all people.  Diversity is at the core of a vibrant and productive research group.  We actively encourage an inclusive environment to get the best from all members of the team and together generate an understanding of our shared world.

Isotope Science Lab members

Who we are

Meet the people who make our work possible.

Close up of a woman using a pipette to pull white solution from a bottle.

What we do

Learn about our current and past projects.

Kerri Miller doing maintenance on the Neptune

How we do it

Take a look into the lab to learn how we make it all happen.