Publications and Media Features

Here you will find our most recent publications, theses by our alumni, and members of our lab in the media.


Jacobs, A., Andreoiu, C., Bergmann, J., et al, 2023. Improved high-precision mass measurements of mid-shell neon isotopes. Nucl. Phys. A 1033, 122636.

Miller, K., Day, P.L., Behl, S., Stromback, L., Delgado, A., Jannetto, P.J., Wieser, M.E., Mehta, S.Q., Pandey, M.K., 2023. Isotopic composition of serum zinc and copper in healthy children and children with autism spectrum disorder in North America. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 16, 113318.

Jacobs, A., Andreoiu, C., Bergmann, J., et al, 2022. Collision-Induced Dissociation at TRIUMF's Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 482, 116931.

Norman, A.L., Xie, J., Kruschel, C., Wieser, M., 2022. Using isotopic abundances to follow anthropogenic emissions: an example of sulfur, oxygen and boron isotopes in a Canadian watershed

Wilkins, A.F., Sosa Ponce, M.L., Zaremberg, V., Wieser, M., Karchewski, B., 2022. Mathematical and numerical modelling of copper transport in yeast. J. Phys. Commun. 6, 055010.

Prohaska, T., Irrgeher, J., Benefield, J., et al, 2021. Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl. Chem. 94573-600.

Retzmann, A., Walls, D., Miller, K.A., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., Wieser M.E., 2022. A double-spike MC TIMS measurement procedure for low-amount Ca isotopic analysis of limited biological tissue samples. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 414, 675–689.

Beck, S., Kootte, B., Dedes, I., et al, 2021. Mass Measurements of Neutron-Deficient Yb Isotopes and Nuclear Structure at the Extreme Proton-Rich Side of the N=82 Shell. PRL 127, 112501.

Flowerdew, J.A.D., Mukul, I., Kwiatkowski, A.A., Wieser, M.E., Thompson, R.I., Dilling, J., 2021. Commissioning of a multi-purpose offline ion source at the TITAN experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 1005, 165399.

Retzmann, A., Walls, D., Miller, K., Wieser, M., Irrgeher, J., Prohaska, T., 2021. Assessing the potential of online ICP–MS analysis to optimize Ca/matrix separation using DGA Resin for subsequent isotopic analysis. Monatsh. Chem. 152, 401–410.

Izzo, C., Bergmann, J., Dietrich, K.A., et al, 2021. Mass measurements of neutron-rich indium isotopes for r-process studies. PRC 103, 025811.

Tanna, R.N., Moncur, M.C., Birks, S.J., Gibson, J.J., Ptacek, C.J., Mayer, B., Wieser, M.E., Wrona, F.J., Munkittrick, K.R., 2020. Utility of a multi-tracer approach as a component of adaptive monitoring for municipal wastewater impacts. Water Qual. Res. J. 55, 327–341.

Zimmermann, T., Mohamed, A.F., Reese, A., Wieser, M.E., Kleeberg, U., Pröfrock, D., Irrgeher, J., 2020. Zinc isotopic variation of water and surface sediments from the German Elbe River. Sci. Total Environ. 707, 135219.

Leistenschneider, E., Klawitter, R., Lennarz, A., et al, 2020. Diversifying beam species through decay and recapture ion trapping: a demonstrative experiment at TITAN-EBIT. JPhysG 47, 045113.

Reiter, M.P., Ayet San Andrés, S., Nikas, S., et al, 2020. Mass measurements of neutron-rich gallium isotopes refine production of nuclei of the first r-process abundance peak in neutron-star merger calculations. PRC 101, 025803.

Reiter, M.P., Ames, F., Andreoiu, C., et al, 2020. Improved beam diagnostics and optimization at ISAC via TITAN’s MR-TOF-MS. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 463, 431-436.

Miller, K.A.,  Vicentini, F.A., Hirota, S.A., Sharkey, K.A., Wieser, M.E., 2019. Antibiotic treatment affects the expression levels of copper transporters and the isotopic composition of copper in the colon of mice. Appl. Biol. Sci. 116, 5955-5960.

Holden, N.E., Coplen, T.B., Böhlke, J.K., Tarbox, L.V., Benefield, J., de Laeter, J.R., Mahaffy, P.G., O’Connor, G., Roth, E., Tepper, D.H, Walczyk, T., Wieser, M.E., Yoneda, S., 2018. IUPAC periodic table of the elements and isotopes (IPTEI) for the education community (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl. Chem. 90, 1833-2092.

Mayer, A.J., Wieser, M., Alanssari, M., Frekers, D.,  Matthews, W., Dilling, J., Thompson R.I., 2018. Isotope abundance measurement of the half-life of the ßß-decaying nucleus 96Zr from a 2.68 Gyr zircon sample. PRC 98, 024617.

Reiter, M.P., Ayet San Andrés, S., Dunling, E., et al, 2018. Quenching of the N = 32 neutron shell closure studied via precision mass measurements of neutron-rich vanadium isotopes. PRC 98024310.

Mayer, A.J., Wieser, M., Matthews, W., Thompson, R.I., 2018. Measuring the isotopic composition of trace elements in zircon: application to radiogenic molybdenum. arXiv:1806.09019.

Leistenschneider, E., Reiter, M.P., Ayet San Andrés, S., et al, 2018. Dawning of the N = 32 Shell Closure Seen through Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Titanium Isotopes. PRL 120, 062503.

Tennant, A., Rauk, A., Wieser, M.E., 2017. Computational modelling of the redistribution of copper isotopes by proteins in the liver. Metallomics 9, 1809–1819.

Reiter, M.P., Leach, K.G., Drozdowski, O.M., et al, 2017. High-precision QEC-value measurement of the superallowed ß+ emitter 22Mg and an ab initio evaluation of the A = 22 isobaric triplet. PRC 96, 052501.

Brodeur, M., Kwiatkowski, A.A., Drozdowski, O.M., et al, 2017. Precision mass measurements of magnesium isotopes and implications for the validity of the isobaric mass multiplet equation. PRC 96, 034316.

Gallant, A.T., Alanssari, M., Bale, J.C., et al, 2017. Mass determination near N = 20 for Al and Na isotopes. PRC 96, 024325.

Proemse, B.C., Murray, A.E., Schallenberg, C., McKiernan, B., Glazer, B.T., Young, S.A., Ostrom, N.E., Bowie, A.R., Wieser, M.E., Kenig, F., Doran, P.T., Edwards, R., 2017. Iron cycling in the anoxic cryo-ecosystem of Antarctic Lake Vida. Biogeochemsitry 134, 17–27.

Alanssari, M., Frekers, D., Eronen, T., et al, 2016. Single and Double Beta-Decay Q Values among the Triplet 96Zr, 96Nb, and 96Mo. PRL 116, 072501.

Miller, K.A.,  Keenan, C.M., Martin, G.R., Jirik, F.R., Sharkey, K.A., Wieser, M.E., 2016. The expression levels of cellular prion protein affect copper isotopic shifts in the organs of mice. JAAS 31, 2015-2022.


Walls, D.M., 2023. Investigation of the effect gut microbiota have on the calcium isotopic composition in different calcium reservoirs of mice. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Kruschel, C., 2021. Measurements of the Stable Isotopic Composition of Molybdenum as a Tracer for Petroleum Coke Interactions with Water. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Mohamed, F.A.A., 2020. Identifying Zinc Inputs to Heard and McDonald Islands Region using Zinc Concentrations and Isotopic Compositions. PhD Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Wilkins, A.F., 2020. Inversion Modelling of Copper Transport in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Flowerdew, J.A.D., 2019. Optimising Ion Transport in a Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometer and Plasma Ion Source Using Monte Carlo Simulations. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Miller, K.A., 2018. Application of copper isotope abundance measurements to study copper trafficking in vivo. PhD Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Mayer, A.J., 2018. Study of the decay of Zr-96 by isotope geochemistry and Penning trap mass spectrometry. PhD Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Tennant, A., 2017. Quantum Chemical Predictions of the Stable Isotope Distribution of Copper in Blood Serum. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Elhamel, N., 2014. The Development of an Analytical Technique to Measure Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotope Ratios Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry with the Double Spike Method. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

Alfayfi, Y., 2014. High Precision Measurements of 32S, 33S, and 34S Isotopic Composition by Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.

McKiernan, B., 2013. Accurate and Precise Iron Isotope Amount Ratios Measured by Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. MSc Thesis. Univ. Calgary.