Transfer credit
Transfer credits allow students to use previous studies toward their UCalgary degree program
UCalgary Transfer Credit Search Tool
To find out whether a course you have taken transfers to UCalgary, enter the following information: full institution name, course subject abbreviation, course number and year of course completion.
- Search keywords aren't case-sensitive
- Only 50 results are returned at one time; narrow your search to return the most accurate results
- Long institution names are often abbreviated (i.e., University of British Columbia is abbreviated to UBC; UBC Okanagan is UBC Okanagan)
- International institutions aren't yet included in the search.
Results are shown for reference only and are subject to change.
Please note that being granted transfer credit does not guarantee the credit will be applied toward your degree program.
- Course completed: Linear Algebra I (MATH 1201) completed at the University of Winnipeg in Fall 2021
- Search keywords: University of Winnipeg math 1201 2021
From institution: Refers to the school where you completed the course(s).
Incoming course subject: is the subject of the course, and usually abbreviated in letters, i.e., CHEM, or CH for Chemistry from the school you completed the course.
Incoming course number: is the course-specific digits usually listed after the subject, i.e., “201”, in CHEM 201 from the school you completed your course.
UCalgary course subject: UCalgary course subject
UCalgary course number: UCalgary course number
Course numbers indicate the level of the course:
- Supplementary study: 100s
- Junior level: 200s
- Senior level: 300s and 400s
- Upper level: 500s
- Graduate level: 600s and 700s
Transferable: Indicates whether or not transfer credit can be granted for the course indicated.
Completed between: indicates the dates within which the course needed to be completed to be awarded transfer credit.
UCalgary equivalent: UCalgary transfer credit that will be awarded for the searched incoming course. UCalgary equivalents may include specific or generic credit.
Unit/credit value: units of transfer credit awarded.
Grouped courses: courses that are eligible for transfer credit if all courses in the group are complete and presented together. You may see equivalency 1 and equivalency 2 for these courses, which show how the course transfers in individually or when grouped with other courses.
Additional course(s) needed to use this rule: indicates the other courses that need to be completed at the "from institution" in order to receive the noted UCalgary equivalent.
No results found/no rule: this course does not exist in our database. Please see post-secondary transfer credits for further information.
No Credit/rejected: this course has been assessed and is not eligible for transfer credit at UCalgary.
High school advanced credit
UCalgary awards transfer credit to students who complete university-level courses in high school.
UCalgary awards up to a full year of credit (30 units) for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma. Specific advanced standing or placement for higher-level courses are awarded provided a minimum grade of 5 or higher is achieved. The balance of credit (including credit for higher-level courses with grades below 5) required to bring the total to 30 units will be at the junior unassigned option level. In the case of advanced credit, a grade of CR will be recorded on the student's record.
Applicants who have not completed the diploma will receive advanced standing or placement as set out below for each higher-level course completed with a grade of 5 or above. Junior unassigned option credit beyond that set out below is not available to students who do not complete the full IB diploma. Official IB transcripts are required as part of the evaluation process.
Students awarded advanced credit or advanced placement for IB courses should consult their faculty regarding course selection. Note that, if advanced credit is awarded for a 200-level course that is a prerequisite for a 300-level course, students will be permitted to enter the 300-level course in first year.
Higher-level IB courses approved for advanced credit or advanced placement are:
- Anthropology: Anthropology 203
- Biology: Biology 243*
- Business Management: 3 units junior Management†
- Chemistry: Chemistry 201 and Chemistry 203
- Computer Science: Computer Science 231 and 3 units junior Computer Science†
- Dance: Dance 333 and Dance 427
- Economics: Economics 201 and Economics 203
- English A (Literature or Language and Literature): 3 units junior English†
- French A1 or A Literature: French 315
- French A2 or A Language/Literature: French 227
- French B: French 213
- Geography: Geography 205 and 3 units junior Geography†
- German A1 or A Literature: German 333
- German A2 or A Language/Literature: German 331
- German B: German 204
- Global Politics: Political Science 283
- History: 6 units junior History†
- Italian A1 or A Literature: Italian 303
- Italian A2 or A Language/Literature: Italian 301
- Italian B: Italian 203
- Latin: Latin 301 and Latin 303
- Mathematics: Mathematics 249
- Mathematics (Further): Mathematics 265
- Music: Advanced Placement (Based on audition/placement tests, students may be given advanced placement and permitted to take selected Music courses by "special assessment.")
- Philosophy: 3 units junior Philosophy†
- Physics: Physics 221 and Physics 223
- Psychology: Psychology 201
- Russian A1 or A Literature: Russian 303
- Russian A2 or A Language/Literature: Russian 301
- Russian B: Russian 209
- Spanish A1 or A Literature: Spanish 303
- Spanish A2 or A Language/Literature: Spanish 301
- Spanish B: Spanish 203
- Sports, Exercise and Health Science: 3 units junior Kinesiology†
- Theatre: Drama 242
- Visual Art: Art 231 and Art 233
*Students awarded Biology 243 credit for AP Biology or IB Higher Level Biology will still be required to complete Biology 241.
†"Junior" refers to credit at the 200 level, but for which no direct University of Calgary equivalency exists.
AP students automatically receive advanced credit or advanced placement in approved courses where they present grades of 4 or higher. In the case of advanced credit, a grade of CR will be recorded on the student's record. Official AP transcripts are required as part of the evaluation process.
- African Studies: 3 units junior African Studies†
- Art History: Art History 201 and Art History 203
- Art Studio (Drawing Portfolio): Art 241/243
- Art Studio (2-D Portfolio): Art 231
- Art Studio (3-D Portfolio): Art 233
- Biology: Biology 243*
- Calculus AB: Mathematics 265
- Calculus BC: Mathematics 275
- Chemistry: Chemistry 201 and Chemistry 203
- Chinese Language and Culture: Chinese 207
- Computer Science A: Computer Science 217
- Economics (Microeconomics): Economics 201
- Economics (Macroeconomics): Economics 203
- English (Language & Composition): 3 units junior English†
- English (Literature & Composition): 3 units junior English†
- Environmental Science: 3 units junior Science
- French Language and Culture: French 227
- German Language and Culture: German 333
- Government & Politics (Comparative): Political Science 201
- Government & Politics (United States): 3 units junior Political Science†
- History (European History): History 201
- History (United States History): 3 units junior History†
- History (World History): 3 units junior History†
- Human Geography: 3 units junior Geography††
- Italian Language and Culture: Italian 301
- Japanese Language and Culture: Japanese 207
- Latin: Latin 303
- Music (Theory): Music 211
- Physics C (Electricity & Magnetism): Physics 259
- Physics C (Mechanics): Physics 221
- Physics 1: 3 units junior Physics***
- Physics 2: 3 units junior Physics***
- Psychology: Psychology 200
- Spanish Language: Spanish 303
- Spanish Literature and Culture: Spanish 321
- Statistics: Statistics 213
*Students awarded Biology 243 credit for AP Biology or IB Higher Level Biology will still be required to complete Biology 241.
***Not acceptable in lieu of Physics 211/221 or 223.
†"Junior" refers to credit at the 200 level, but for which no direct University of Calgary equivalency exists.
††Students who wish to major in Geography will be required to take Geography 251.
Students will automatically receive advanced credit in approved courses where they present grades of A, B or C. Examination results must be verified by the appropriate examining board. Attested or certified copies are not acceptable. Credit has been determined as follows:
- Accounting: Accounting 217 (Cambridge International Examinations only)
- Biology: Biology 241 and Biology 243
- Business: 3 units junior Management option†*
- Chemistry: Chemistry 201 and Chemistry 203
- Computer Science: Computer Science 231 (Cambridge International Examinations only)
- Economics: Economics 201 and Economics 203
- English: 6 units junior English†
- English Literature: 6 units junior English†
- Further Mathematics: 3 units junior Mathematics
- Geography: 3 units junior Geography option (Pearson only)++
- History: 3 units junior History
- Mathematics: Mathematics 249
- Physics: Physics 221 and Physics 223
- Psychology: Psychology 200
- Pure Mathematics: Mathematics 249
- Statistics: Statistics 213 and Statistics 217
†"Junior" refers to credit at the 200 level, but for which no direct University of Calgary equivalency exists.
††Students who wish to major in Geography will be required to take Geography 251.
*Cannot be applied toward the Bachelor of Commerce.
Post-secondary transfer credits
When you transfer to most undergraduate programs at UCalgary, you will receive transfer credit as indicated in our Transfer Credit Search Tool. Transfer for credit for students with international credentials, and students admitted to the Bachelor of Social Work or a second degree program, will be awarded transfer credit after admission acceptance. Transfer credit for all other domestic credentials will be awarded at the time of admission.
In addition, courses taken at an accredited university in Canada or the United States that are not included in the Transfer Credit Search Tool will automatically be granted generic credit.
Please note that being granted transfer credit does not guarantee the credit will be applied toward your degree program.
If a course is not available in the Transfer Credit Search Tool and is required for admission, you will be required to upload course outlines as part of the admission process.
After you accept your offer of admission, your transfer credit report will be available in your Student Centre.
Review your academic requirements report to understand which transfer credits can be used in your degree program.
If you have questions about how your transfer credit is being used toward your degree requirements, please connect with your faculty advisors.
After you accept your offer of admission, you can request a transfer credit assessment for any course that has not yet been assessed. Courses have not been assessed if:
- They're noted as “no rule” in your transfer credit report
- They're in the Transfer Credit Search Tool with a "completed between" end year of 2050
Transfer credit assessments are requested by submitting detailed course outlines to the appropriate department or faculty advising office. Your faculty advisors can assist in determining whether a transfer credit assessment would be helpful for you, and can support you with this process.
When submitting detailed course outlines, ensure the following information is included:
- institution, faculty, department or school name and contact information
- detailed list of topics covered
- list of textbooks used
- grading/assessment practices
- number of weeks of attendance (excluding examination period)
- number of lecture, laboratory and tutorial hours per week
Calendar descriptions are not acceptable. The outline provided to the student by the instructor at the beginning of the course is usually sufficient. Alternatively, outlines may sometimes be obtained from the department offering the course.
Please note that transfer credit assessments may take 4-6 weeks (or longer) and may not result in changes to transfer credit granted.
If you'd like to contest the transfer credit you have been granted, you can submit a transfer credit appeal to have a course reassessed.
Completed academic diploma programs from accredited post-secondary institutions may receive 30 units of junior generic credit or a combination of individually transferable courses and junior generic credit to a maximum of 30 units.
Program-specific approved diplomas
Some programs may have specific transfer agreements where an approved diploma is required for admission and eligible for greater than 30 units of junior transfer credit.
Students coming to UCalgary through open studies as a degree holder, non-degree holder, visiting student or through our Indigenous Student Access Program (ISAP) aren't granted transfer credit automatically. If certain courses are required for prerequisite purposes, students can see if their courses are eligible for specific credit by using the Transfer Credit Search Tool. If courses are eligible for specific credit that would meet prerequisite requirements for registration in UCalgary courses, students can connect with Enrolment Services. If courses aren't eligible for specific credit, students can connect with exploratory advisors in the Student Success Centre for assistance.