Edward Sapir (1921)
My current interests include phonology and its relation to phonetics, morphology, and syntax; Indigenous languages; rap linguistics; taboo language; and personal names.
- Flynn, D. (2024, November 2). Incomplete neutralization in Dimensional Theory [talk]. Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB. URL
- Nelson, B. C., González Poot, A. A., Archibald, J., & Flynn, D. (2024, May 2). The L2/L3 acquisition of Mayan ejectives: The redeployment of dimensions and learning of gestures [talk]. GASLA (Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference) 17, May 2-4, 2024, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. URL
- Flynn, D. (2024). Redeployment in language contact: The case of phonological emphasis. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 3, 1–22. 10.3389/flang.2024.1325597 URL or PDF
- Flynn, D. (2024, Jan. 25). Flapping and footing in English. Fresno State Linguistics Department Colloquium. URL
- Nelson, B. C., & Flynn, D. (2022). “Chrump’s on Chwitter”? A fresh look at posteriorization in English. In A. Hernández & C. Plyley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2021 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Halifax, NS: Saint Mary’s University. URL
- Flynn, D. (2021, June 5). Hidden compounds in English [poster]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Edmonton, AB. [abstract] [poster]
- Flynn, D. (2021, April 5). Curious Kids: How are languages formed? The Conversation. URL
- Flynn, D., & Tufts, K. (2021, March 4–7). Language documentation in Roam Research: Recognizing relationships in field notes [talk]. 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, HI. [video]
- Flynn, D. (2021). Indigenous languages in Canada. In G. N. Devy (Ed.), Orality and language: Key concepts in Indigenous studies (pp. 131−156). Routledge. URL
- Bacanlı, E., Flynn, D., & Pounder, A. (2020). Vowel harmony and other morphological processes in Turkish. In B. Palaz & L. Stromdahl (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Vol. 5, pp. 16–30). Linguistic Society of America. URL
- Flynn, D. (2020, October 14). A sacred trust: Indigenous languages in Canada [talk]. Last Lecture, Leadership and Student Engagement, University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2020, October 2). Linguistics: The language system [talk]. The Art and Science of Language, Language Research Centre, University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2020, August 14). Is mispronouncing Kamala Harris's name racist? The Conversation. URL
- Cook, E.-D., & Flynn, D. (2020). Indigenous languages in Canada. In J. Archibald & W. O'Grady (Eds.), Contemporary linguistic analysis (9th ed., pp. 298–314). Pearson. URL
- Bacanlı, E., & Flynn, D. (2020, February 8–9). Radical allomorphy in Southwestern Turkish dialects [talk]. 5th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, Newark, DE. URL
- Bacanlı, E., Flynn, D., & Pounder, A. (2020, February 8–9). Vowel harmony and other morphological processes in Turkish [poster]. 5th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, Newark, DE. URL
- Athanasopoulou, A., Goddard, Q., & Flynn, D. (2020, January 2–5). Plains Cree and the ambiguity between lexical and phrasal prosody [poster]. 94th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans, LA. URL
- Flynn, D. (2019, November 21). Rap music for language nerds. Nerd Nite Calgary. URL
- Low Horn, R., Windsor, J. W., & Flynn, D. (2019, November 2). Blackfoot language course [display]. Celebrating Indigenous Languages in Alberta: Reclaiming Our Languages, Calgary, AB. URL
- Goddard, Q., Athanasopoulou, A., & Flynn, D. (2019, October 9–10). Lexical stress in Plains Cree: an acoustic account [talk]. Acoustics Week in Canada 2019, Canadian Acoustical Association, Edmonton, AB. URL
- Flynn, D., Hodgson, M., & Windsor, J. W. (2019, June 1–3). Aspiration in Blackfoot and Plains Cree [poster]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Vancouver, BC. URL
- Bacanlı, E., Flynn, D., & Pounder, A. (2019, June 1–3). View from Turkish: morphology as executive, phonology as executor [poster]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Vancouver, BC. URL
- Flynn, D. (2019, April 15–18). Behind the music: rap and language science [invited talk]. 50th Anniversary of UBC Linguistics, Vancouver, BC. URL
- Athanasopoulou, A., & Flynn, D. (2018). Vowel length distinctions in Plains Cree. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1941. DOI
- Windsor, J. W., Flynn, D., & Coward, S. (2018, October 27). Munster Irish word-internal prosody: clues from word-external prosody [talk]. Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB. URL
- Flynn, D., Storoshenko, D. R., & Windsor, J. W. (2018, October 27). English personal datives at the syntax–phonology interface [talk]. Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB. URL
- Windsor, J. W., Coward, S., & Flynn, D. (2018). Disentangling stress and pitch accent in Munster Irish. In W. G. Bennett, L. Hracs, & D. Storoshenko (Eds.), WCCFL 35: Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 430–437). Cascadilla Press. URL
- Flynn, D. (2018, May 22). White people should never rap the n-word. The Conversation. URL
- Athanasopoulou, A., & Flynn, D. (2018). Vowel length distinctions in Plains Cree. Canadian Acoustics, 46(4), 34–35. DOI
- Flynn, D. (2018, April 22). Territorial acknowledgment pronunciation guide. University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2017, September 4). The s-word: just stop using it. The Conversation. URL
- Flynn, D. (2017, August 16). Indigenous sign languages in Canada. University of Calgary. URL
- Windsor, J. W., Coward, S., & Flynn, D. (2017, May 27–29). The phonetics of prominence of the word and phrase in three Irish dialects [talk]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Toronto, ON. URL
- Flynn, D. (2017). Foreword: Canadianisms. Wayward Arts, 26, WAX issue.
- Flynn, D. (2017, May 19–21). Weak syllable refitting in late-stage phonological development [talk]. 3rd Annual Meeting of the NorthWest Phonetics & Phonology Conference (NoWPhon), Vancouver, BC. URL
- Windsor, J. W., Coward, S., & Flynn, D. (2017, April 28–30). Disentangling stress and pitch accent in Munster Irish [poster]. 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Calgary, AB. URL
- Manyfeathers-O’Hara, A. S., Prairie Chicken, I. B., & Flynn, D. (2017, April 27). Blackfoot language youth rap camp [talk]. Celebrating Indigenous Languages in Alberta, Calgary, AB.
- Flynn, D. (2016, November 24–26). Refillable syllables in child English [talk]. 1st Annual Conference on Child Language Acquisition Research in Alberta (CLARA), Lethbridge, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2016, Nov. 16). Rap linguistics: an intro to the language science in and behind hip hop music [1.5 hour public lecture]. Taylor Family Digital Library (Gallery Hall), University of Calgary.
- Flynn, D. (2016, November 10). Audio killed phonetic transcription! Long live phonetic transcription! “I’d Like to Know More About …” Workshop, Language Research Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2016, October 29). Youth, rap, and Blackfoot revitalization [keynote]. Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2016, July 7–9). Panel moderation: Community needs and institutional responsibilities. ANVILS: A National Vision for Indigenous Language Stability, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2016, February 3). Indigenous languages in Canada: an introduction [talk]. Verbatim Linguistics Undergraduate Society, Language Research Centre, University of Calgary.
- Bach, E., & Flynn, D. (2016, January 7–10). The nonlinear northern expansion of North Wakashan [talk]. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Washington, DC. URL
- Flynn, D. (2015, February 25–27). Indigenous youth careers: the hip-hop connection. Indspire’s Soaring: Indigenous Youth Career Conference, Calgary, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2015, February 9). Carnap (and Goodman and Quine) and linguistics. LogBlog. URL
- Flynn, D. (2014). The Black vernacular versus a cracker's knack for verses. In S. F. Parker (Ed.), Eminem: essays on rap and poetry, race and persona (pp. 65–88). McFarland. URL
- Flynn, D., & Pounder, A. (2014, September 26–28). Verb paradigms? Psychological reality for Dene speakers [talk]. Dene Verb Paradigms Workshop, Toronto, ON.
- Flynn, D. (2014, July 16). Junior youth language projects [talk]. Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Institute, Edmonton, AB.
- Flynn, Darin. (2014, April 11). Shift happens again. University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, Darin, & Fulop, S. (2014). Acoustic phonetic features in Athabaskan sound change. Diachronica, 31(2), 192–222. DOI
- Flynn, D. (2013, November 2). Indigenous youth and languages: the hip-hop connection [talk]. 17th Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB.
- Flynn, D. (2013, September 6). Shift happens. University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2012). Vocalic dorsality in Articulator Theory. Ms. University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D., & Fulop, S. (2012). Dentals are grave. Canadian Acoustics, 40(3), 20–21. URL
- Flynn, D. (2012, May 23). Motto matters. University of Calgary. URL
- Flynn, D. (2012). Phonology: the distinctive features of speech sounds. Unpublished manuscript, School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2012, August). On the adaptation of French and English names in Ktunaxa [talk]. 47th International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages, Cranbrook, BC. URL
- Flynn, D. (2011). Floating yet grounded: feature transmutation in Optimality Theory. Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 56(3), 377–402. DOI
- Flynn, D. (2010, October 30). Mora sharing by position [talk]. 14th Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Calgary, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2009, October 30). Sound research: phonetics and/or/vs phonology? Interdisciplinary Language Research: Relevance and Application, Language Research Centre, University of Calgary. URL
- Yerastov, Y. & Flynn, D. (2009, May). On the Glottalic Hypothesis of Indo-European reconstruction [talk]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Ottawa, ON.
- Flynn, D. (2008, October 25). Plains Cree and metrical typology [talk]. 13th Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Banff, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2008, July 25). Emphasis in the Pacific Northwest Plateau [talk]. 43rd Annual International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, Squamish Nation and Capilano College, North Vancouver, BC. URL
- Flynn, D. (2008, July 5). Sibilants vs. shibilants in Dëne Sųłıné: a near-merger? [talk] Athabascan/Dene Languages Conference, Cold Lake First Nation, AB. URL
- Flynn, D. (2008, June 1). Floating yet grounded: feature transmutation in Optimality Theory [talk]. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, UBC, Vancouver, BC.
- Cook, E.-D., & Flynn, D. (2008). Aboriginal languages of Canada. In J. Archibald & W. O'Grady (Eds.), Contemporary linguistic analysis (8th ed., pp. 318–333). Pearson. URL
- Flynn, D. (2007, October 20). Too many solutions: says who? [talk]. 12th Alberta Conference on Linguistics, Banff, AB. URL
- Ottmann, J., Abel, J., Bird, S., & Flynn, D. (2007). A survey of the literature on Aboriginal language learning and teaching. Alberta Education. ISBN 978–0–7785–6398–3/PM251.L287. URL
- Flynn, D. (2007, March 20). Default [a] in North Wakashan prosodic morphology [talk]. 12th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas, University of Lethbridge, AB. URL
- etc.
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