Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. C. Xu and P. Egberts, Triboelectrification and unique frictional characteristics of germanium-based nanofilms, Small, 2023 (available online) [link]
  2. A.Gasonoo, C. Bawumont, A. Hoff, C. Xu, P. Egberts, M. Pahlevani, M. Leclerc, and G.C. Welch, Water-processable self-doped hole injection layer for large-area, air-processed, slot-die coated flexible organic light emitting diodes, Chemistry of Materials, 21 9102-9110 (2023). [link]
  3. X. He, R. Yang, C.Xu, Z. Zhao, Y. Cheng, P. Egberts, H. Zeng, and Q. Lu, Ex-situ preparation of ultrathin hydrogel coatings by blowing strategy, Nanoscale, 15, 13952-13964 (2023). [link]
  4. F. ShakeriHosseinabad, B. Frost, S. Said, C. Xu, D. Behnoudfar, D. Momodu, N. Mahinpey, P. Egberts, T.S. Miller, and E.P.L. Roberts, Electrode materials for enhancing the performance of zinc iodide flow battery at high current densities and analysis of zinc deposition with in-situ AFM analysis, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, 34711-34725 (2023). [link]
  5. C. Xu, Z. Ye, and P. Egberts, Intercalated water-induced hysteretic friction behavior of graphene, h-BN, and MoS2, Applied Surface Science, 630, 157442 (2023). [link]
  6. B. Soltianna, L. Martin-Alarcon, A. Govedarica, J. Uhryn, P. Egberts, and M. Trifkovic, Enhanced rheological and tribological properties of nanoenhanced greases by tuning interparticle contacts, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 645, 560-569 (2023). [link]
  7. C. Xu, Z. Ye, and P. Egberts, Friction hysteretic behaviour of supported atomically thin nano films, npc 2D Materials and Applications, 7, 1 (2023). [link] 
  8. P. Gong and P. Egberts, Influence of heating on the measured friction behavior of graphene evaluated under ultra-high vacuum conditions, Applied Physics Letters, 119, 063102 (2021). [link]
  9. Z. Aboolizadeh, P. Gong, L. Sudak, and P. Egberts, Layer dependent out-of-plane elastic modulus of graphene, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 263101 (2021). [link]
  10. J. Panda, E. Yanez Orquera, B. Wong, and P. Egberts, Predictive modelling of optimal additives for tribo-corrosion reduction. Tribology Letters, 69, 73 (2021). [link]
  11. J. Panda, E. Yanez Orquera, A.A. Mohanty, and P. Egberts, Tribo-corrosion inhibition of AISI 4715 steel pipe carrying hydraulic fracturing fluid, Tribology International, 161, 107066 (2021). [link]
  12. J. Panda, B. Wong, E. Medvedovsku, and P. Egberts, Enhancement of tribo-corrosion performance of carbon steel through boronizing and BN-based coatings, Tribology International, 11, 729-739 (2020). [link]
  13. N. Chan, M.R. Vazirisereshk, A. Martini, and P. Egberts, Insights into dynamic sliding contacts from conductive atomic force microscopy, Nanoscale Advances, 2, 4117-4124 (2020). [link]
  14. N. Chan, C. Lin, T. Jacobs, R.W. Carpick, and P. Egberts, Quantitative determination of the interaction potential between two surfaces using frequency-modulated atomic force microscopy, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 11, 729-739 (2020). [link]
  15. S. Kedzior, W. Kapadia, P. Egberts, K. Karan, M. Trifkovic, and S. Bryant, In situ monitoring of the morphology evolution of interfacially-formed conductive nanocomposite films and their use as strain sensors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 554, 305-314 (2019). [link]
  16. Z. Abooalizadeh, L.J. Sudak, and P. Egberts, Nanoscale spatial mapping of mechanical properties through force modulation mode atomic force microscopy. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10, 1332-1347 (2019). [link]
  17. H.J Sharahi, P. Egberts, and S. Kim, Mechanisms of friction reduction of nanoscale sliding contacts achieved through ultrasonic excitation. Nanotechnology 30, 075502 (2018). [link]
  18. J. Resendiz, P. Egberts, and S.S. Park, Tribological behavior of multi-scaled patterned surfaces machined through inclined end milling and micro shot blasting, Tribology Letters 66, 132 (2018). [link]
  19. S. Abubacker, A. McPeak, S.G. Doroz, P. Egberts, and T.A. Schmidt, Effect of counterface on cartilage boundary lubricating ability by proteoglycan 4 and hyaluronan: Cartilate-glass vs. cartilage-cartilage, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 36, 2923-2931 (2018) [link]
  20. P. Egberts, N. Simin, C. Wong, J. Czibor, C. Ewanchuk, and S.S. Park, A novel tribometer designed to evaluate geological sliding contacts lubricated by drilling muds, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 47, 20170468 (2018). [link]
  21. D. Wong, J. Resendiz, P. Egberts, and S.S. Park, Electrohydrodynamic printing of composite microbeads for tribological improvements, Journal of Manufacturing Process, 34A, 264-273 (2018). [link]
  22. P. Gong, Z. Ye, L. Yuan, and P. Egberts, Evaluation of wetting transparency and surface energy of pristine and aged graphene through nanoscale friction, Carbon, 132, 749-759 (2018). [link]
  23. V. Ozhukl Kollath, M. Arjmand, P. Egberts, U. Sundararaj, K. Karan, Quantitative analysis of nanoscale electrical properties of CNT/PVDF nanocomposites by current sensing AFM, RSC Advances, 7, 32564 (2017). [link]
  24. P. Gong, Q. Li, X.-Z. Liu, R.W. Carpick, and P. Egberts, Adhesion mechanics between nanoscale silicon oxide tips and few-layer graphene, Tribology Letters, 65, 61 (2017). [link]
  25. D. Akinwande, C. Brennan, J. S. Bunch, P. Egberts, J. Felts, H. Gao, R. Huang, J. Kim, T. Li, Y. Li, K. M. Liechti, N. Lu, H. Park, E. Reed, B. I. Yakobson, T. Zhang, Y.-W. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhu, A review on mechanics and mechanical properties of 2D materials - Graphene and beyond, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 42-77 (2017). [link]
  26. H. Jiryaei Sharahi, G. Shekhawat, V. Dravid, S. Park, P. Egberts, and S. Kim, Contrast Mechanisms on Nanoscale Subsurface Imaging in Ultrasonic AFM: Scattering of Ultrasonic Wave and Contact Stiffness of Tip-Sample, Nanoscale, 9, 2330-2339 (2017). [link]
  27. X. Hu, N. Chan, A. Martini, and P. Egberts, Tip convolution on HOPG surfaces measured in AM-AFM and interpreted using a combined experimental and simulation approach, Nanotechnology, 28 025702 (2016). [link]
  28. N. Chan, S.G. Balakrishna, A. Klemenz, M. Moseler, P. Egberts, and R. Bennewitz, Contrast in nanoscale friction between rotational domains of graphene on Pt(111), Carbon, 113, 132-138 (2016). [link]
  29. Z. Ye, P. Egberts, G.H. Han, A.T.C. Johnson, R.W. Carpick, and A. Martini, Load-dependent friction hysteresis on graphene, ACS Nano, 10, 5161 (2016). [link]
  30. F. Hausen and P. Egberts, Atomic scale friction, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, (2016). doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.11003-0. [link] [submitted copy]
  31. J. Resendiz, E. Graham, P. Egberts, and S.S. Park, Directional friction surfaces through asymmetrically shaped dimpled surfaces patterned using inclined flat end milling, 91, 67-73 (2015). [link]
  32. X. Hu, P. Egberts, Y. Dong, and A. Martini, Molecular dynamics simulation of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy, Nanotechnology, 26, 235705 (2015). [link]
  33. X.Z. Liu, Z. Ye. Y. Dong, P. Egberts, R.W. Carpick, A. Martini, Dynamics of atomic stick-slip friction examined with atomic force microscopy and atomistic simulations at overlapping speeds, Physical Review Letters, 114, 146102 (2015). [link]
  34. Y. Dong, H. Gao, A. Martini, and P. Egberts, Reinterpretation of velocity-dependent atomic friction: Influence of the inherent instrumental noise in friction force microscopes, Physical Review E, 90, 012125 (2014). [link]
  35. P. Egberts, G. Han, X.-Z. Liu, A.T.C. Johnson, and R.W. Carpick, Frictional Behavior of Atomically-Think Sheets: Hexagonal-Shaped Graphene Islands Grown on Copper by Chemical Vapor Deposition, ACS Nano, 8, 5010 (2014).[link]
  36. X-Z Liu, Q. Li, P. Egberts, and R.W. Carpick, Nanoscale Adhesive Properties of Graphene: The Effect of Sliding History, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1, 1300053 (2014). [link]
  37. P. Egberts, Z. Ye, X-Z. Liu, Y. Dong, A. Martini, and R.W. Carpick, Environmental dependence of atomic-scale friction at graphite surface steps, Physical Review B, 88, 035409 (2013). [link]
  38. Y. Dong, X-Z. Liu, P. Egberts, Z. Ye, R.W. Carpick, and A. Martini, Correlation between probe shape and atomic-friction peaks at graphite step edges, Tribology Letters, 50, 49-57 (2013). [link]
  39. F. Mangolini, J. Åhlund, G.E. Wabiszewski, V.P. Adiga, P. Egberts, F. Streller, K. Backlund, P. Karlsson, B. Wannberg, and R.W. Carpick, Angle-resolved elevated-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AR-EP-XPS): a new laboratory setup for phootoemission studies a pressures up to 0.4 Torr, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 093112 (2012). [link]
  40. M. Mishra, P. Egberts, R. Bennewitz, and I. Szlufarska Friction model for single asperity elastic- plastic contacts, Physical Review B, 86, 045452 (2012). [link]
  41. P. Egberts, R. Gralla, and R. Bennewitz, Temporal development of indentation plasticity on the atomic scale revealed by force microscopy, Physical Review B, 86, 035446 (2012). [link]
  42. P. Egberts, and R. Bennewitz, Atomic-scale nanoindentation: Detection and identification of single glide events in three dimensions by force microscopy, Nanotechnology, 22, 425703 (2011). [link]
  43. N.N. Gosvami, P. Egberts and R. Bennewitz, Molecular order and disorder in the frictional response of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115, 6942 (2011). [link]
  44. R. Bennewitz, K. Brörmann, P. Egberts, N.N. Gosvami, F. Hausen, and C. Held, Nanotribology - Fundamental Studies of Friction and Plasticity. Advanced Engineering Materials 12, 362 (2010). [link]
  45. N.N Gosvami, T. Filleter, P. Egberts, and R. Bennewitz, Microscopic Friction Studies on Metal Surfaces. Tribology Letters 39, 19 (2010). [link]
  46. P. Egberts, T. Filleter, and R. Bennewitz, A kelvin probe force microscopy of charged indentation- induced dislocation structures in KBr, Nanotechnology 20, 264005 (2009). [link]
  47. P. Egberts and G. Hibbard, Mesoscale compositionally modulated nanocrystalline Ni-Fe electodeposits for nanopatterning applications, Journal of Nanomaterials 2008, 858235 (2008). [link]
  48. P. Egberts, P. Brodersen, and G. Hibbard, Mesoscale structure in electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni-Fe alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 441, 336 (2006). [link]

Invited Papers

  1. P. Egberts, H. Jiryaei Sharahi, G. Shekhawat, V. Dravid, S. Park, and S. Kim, Applications of ultrasonic force microscope to tribology, Trends in Lubrication Teachnology, 73, 58 (2017). [link]
  2. P. Egberts, Understanding friction at the atomic scale, Bulletin, Autumn 2014 17 (2014). [link] [pdf]
  3. P. Egberts and R.W. Carpick, Viewpoint: Friction at the atomic scale, Physics, 6 102 (2013). [link]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications

  1. M. Love, M. Nightingale, J. Wong, and P. Egberts, Using Bloom and DEAL to improve the student learning experience in undergraduate engineering laboratories, American Society for Engineering Education 2023 Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings (2023). [link]
  2. M. Love, M. Nightingale, J. Wong, and P. Egberts, Improving the student laboratory experience through constructive alignment, Conference Proceedings 2023 Canadian Engineering Education Association.
  3. M. Singh, K. Francis, J. Sauther, C. Simon, and P. Egberts, Designing and Implementing a Transdisciplinary Engineering Camp, American Society for Engineering Education 2019 Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, (2019) [link]
  4. H.J. Sharahi, G. Shekhawr, V. Dravid, P. Egberts, and S. Kim, Towards non-invasive, high resolution 3D nano-tomography by ultrasonic scanning probe microscopy, Proceedings of the SPIE 10324, 1032408-1 (2017). [link]
  5. D. Wong, J. Resendiz, P. Egberts, S.S. Park, Reduction of friction using electrospun polymer composite microbeads emulsified in mineral oil, 45th North American Manufacturing Research Conference, (2017). [link]
  6. M. Singh, L. Sudak, and P. Egberts, Mapping conventional teaching methods and learning styles in engineering dynamics, American Society for Engineering Education 2016 Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, (2016)[link]
  7. P. Egberts and R. Bennewitz, The role of plastic deformation in nanometer-scale wear. Advances in Science and Technology, 64, 25 (2010). [link] [submitted article]
  8. R. Manimunda, T. Filleter, P. Egberts, V. Jayaram, S.K. Biswas, and R. Bennewitz, Nano-meter scale plasticity in KBr studied by nanoindenter and force microscopy, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1185-II07-08 (2009). [link]

Non-Refereed Contributions

  1. P. Egberts, T. Filleter, and R. Bennewitz, Automated switching between non-contact and contact modes. Nanonis (now SPECS-Zurich) Application note. Available online:
  2. N.N Gosvami, P. Egberts, T. Filleter, and R. Bennewitz, Friction force microscopy. Nanonis (now SPECS-Zurich) Application note. Available online:
  3. P. Egberts and R. Bennewitz. Kelvin probe force microscopy of charged indentation-induced disloca- tion structures in KBr. Annual Report of the INM-Leibniz Institute for New Materials. 33 (2008). 


  1. 20-minutes with Philip Egberts, Trends in Lubrication Technology, January 2024. [link]
  2. Living with Pride in the STEM Community, APEGA LGBTQ+STEM Day, November 21, 2021. [link]