
Contact information

Mailing Address

Mathematical Sciences Building,
University of Calgary,
2500 University Drive NW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
T2N 1N4

Contact Information

  • Telephone: 403.220.3274 (Director), (403) 220 5203 (Dept. Secretary)

  • Fax: (403) 282 5150 (attn. Math. & Comp. Finance Lab.)

  • Email: (Director)

(This website was created and maintained by Qi Guo, you can find him at


We are located in Room MS543 of the Mathematical Sciences Building at the University of Calgary. Above is the electronic map of the campus. (The Mathematical Sciences Building is next to car parking Lot 21 near the right hand side of the map.) 



The Laboratory offers various ways in which members of the community can benefit from its services. If you are interested to find out about , please contact us for more information.

Establish an ongoing relationship with the Laboratory - send your employees to seminars and courses to benefit from high-level training and have ready access to the expertise offered by the Laboratory.

Bring a project - research questions, technology development - to the Laboratory and know that it is being worked on by a team of enthusiastic and highly-skilled graduate students and professors. We have tackled a series of exciting and challenging projects with our industrial partners over the lifetime of the Laboratory, including calibrating jump-diffusion models for electricity prices, pricing swing options, understanding how to model the behaviour of forward markets and computing multi-asset option prices at the click of a button.

MITACS has initiated an internship programme which provides an excellent, low cost, chance to work with a high-quality academic trainee on a research project for a period of four months.

Send your employees to one of the courses and seminar series we offer in mathematical and computational finance, or commission in-house training from our team of highy-experienced communicators.

From time-to-time we offer post-doctoral employment opportunities through the Laboratory.