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Azrieli Accelerator

Transforming neurodevelopment research across the lifespan

Powering collaborative research in neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental conditions

With generous support from the Azrieli Foundation, the Azrieli Accelerator brings together transdisciplinary research teams across UCalgary to accelerate research and create impact in our priority areas. 

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Building connections across campus and beyond

The Azrieli Accelerator fosters a culture of collaboration. We connect researchers from different disciplines to help them share their expertise and creativity. We build capacity for researchers to work with community, and for community members with lived experience to become partners in research.


The Azrieli Accelerator offers funding, learning opportunities, and new collaborative networks to advance research with impact in the fields of neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental conditions with a lifespan approach.

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Community members

Engaging individuals with lived experience of neurodevelopmental conditions is pivotal to our research and leads to ideas and innovations that will directly impact the community.

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Message from the Director

“We welcome the opportunity to work with groups across UCalgary and strengthen transdisciplinary collaborations across campus in the fields of neurodevelopment, neurodiversity, and neurodevelopmental conditions. The Azrieli Accelerator is designed to be a launching pad for new research, and a catalyst for change."

Susan Graham headshot

Dr. Susan Graham, PhD

Scientific Director, Azrieli Accelerator

Exploring neurodevelopment across the lifespan

Neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, intellectual disability, FASD, rare chromosomal conditions and cerebral palsy, affect the brain’s development of neurological pathways that influence performance or functioning. It's important to note that these conditions are not just childhood disabilities. They persist throughout the life course and require different strategies for supports and interventions at different stages to ensure people living with these conditions can thrive.

Azrieli Accelerator News

Marie Arrieta and research team

Collaborations across UCalgary explore neurodevelopment

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headshot of Laura St. John

Azrieli Accelerator Professor spotlight: Laura St. John

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Tamara Bodnar headshot

First Azrieli Accelerator recruit joins Faculty of Science

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Susan Graham headshot

Dr. Susan Graham named Scientific Director

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Kathy McCoy in lab wearing face mask

Fueling gut-brain axis research to shed light on NDDs

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Man's hands holding model of a brain

Using pediatric-brain imaging to map the developing brain

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Child playing with colourful toy

Empowering people with neurodevelopmental disabilities

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Azrieli Family

The Azrieli Foundation Gives from the Heart

A transformative gift from the Azrieli Foundation aims to improve the lives of children and adults living with neurodevelopmental disabilities

Read more about this groundbreaking gift

Azrieli Accelerator

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