Tyler Meyer

Medical Physicist, FCCPM

Division of Medical Physics

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Oncology

B.Sc. Physics

University of Calgary


University of Calgary

Dissertation Title:

Dosimetric Consequences of Implant Uncertainties in Low Dose Rate Prostate Brachytherapy

Contact information



Treatment planning considerations for permanent breast seed implant
A. Frederick, T.Meyer, M. Roumeliotis
Brachytherapy 17(2): 456 – 464 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brachy.2017.11.002

Dosimetric variations in permanent breast seed implant due to patient arm position
E. Watt, S. Husain, M. Sia, D. Brown, K. Long, T. Meyer
Brachytherapy  14(6), 979-85 (2015)

Inter- and intra-observer variability in prostate definition with tissue harmonic and brightness mode imaging
G.K. Sandhu ,P.B. Dunscombe, T. Meyer, S. Pavamani, R.F.H. Khan
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 82(1), e9-e16 (2012)

Abstracts & Presentations (2012-2018):

Investigation of the PTV margin in permanent breast seed implant (PBSI) brachytherapy: a pilot study
A. Guebert, M. Roumeliotis, E. Watt, A. Frederick, T. Trumpour, T. Meyer, S. Quirk
Radiother Oncol. CARO-COMP-CAMRT Joint Scientific Meeting, Montreal QC, Canada, Sept 12 – 15, 2018 

Dosimetric verification of a 7 mm set-up margin for accelerated partial breast irradiation using daily cone-beam computed tomography for image guidance
A. Frederick, T. Trumpour, S. Quirk, P. Grendarova, P. Craighead, I. Olivotto, T. Meyer, M. Roumeliotis
Radiother Oncol. CARO-COMP-CAMRT Joint Scientific Meeting, Montreal QC, Canada, Sept 12 – 15, 2018 

Validation of planning CT to cone-beam CT deformable image registration-based contour propagation for accelerated partial breast irradiation
A. Frederick, M. Roumeliotis, P. Grendarova, P. Craighead, E. Watt, T. Meyer, I. Olivotto, S. Quirk
Radiother Oncol. CARO-COMP-CAMRT Joint Scientific Meeting, Montreal QC, Canada, Sept 12 – 15, 2018 

Assessing fit of rigid 3D-printed bolus for sarcoma of the knee in radiotherapy treatments
P. McGeachy, A. Yarschenko, C. Schinkel, E. Kurien, W. Smith, T. Meyer
Med Phys 45(6), e318 (2018). AAPM 60th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, July 29 - Aug 2, 2018

Planning strategies to improve dose homogeneity for permanent breast seed implant
A. Frederick, T. Meyer, M. Roumeliotis
Med Phys 44(6): 2836 (2017)
AAPM Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Denver CO, July 30 – August 3, 2017

Can post-op dosimetry predict skin reactions following partial breast radiation treatment utilizing permanent palladium seed implants?
S Husain, E Watt, K Long, M Peacock, T Meyer. 
Radiother Oncol 120 (Suppl 1), S44 (2016). Presented at Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff AB, 2016.

Proposal for a permanent breast seed implant (PBSI) training program.
K Long, R Karchewski-Welter, M Roumeliotis, E Watt, T Meyer, S Husain.
Radiother Oncol 120 (Suppl 1), S43 (2016). Presented at Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff AB, 2016.

Patient positioning and mark-up optimization for permanent breast seed implant
R. Karchewski-Welter, K. Long, E. Watt, S. Husain, T. Meyer
Radiother Oncol 120(Suppl 1): S43 (2016)
Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff, AB, Canada, September 14 – 17, 2016

Comparison of TG43-based skin dose calculations to in-vivo skin dosimetry for permanent breast Pd-103 seed implant brachytherapy
E. Villarreal-Barajas, K. Long, R. Karchewski-Welter, M. Roumeliotis, S. Husain, T. Meyer
Radiother Oncol 120(Suppl 1): S47-S48 (2016)
Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff, AB, Canada, September 14 – 17, 2016

Appropriate timing for post-implant dosimetry in permanent breast seed implant (PBSI)
E. Watt, A. Frederick, M. Peacock, M. Roumeliotis, S. Husain, T. Meyer
Radiother Oncol 120(Suppl 1): S40 (2016)
Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff, AB, Canada, September 14 – 17, 2016

Positional accuracy in 103Pd permanent breast seed implant (PBSI) brachytherapy at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre (TBCC)
A Frederick, E Watt, M Peacock, S Husain, T Meyer, M Roumeliotis.
Med Phys 43(8), 4933-4(2016). Presented at Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Annual Scientific Meeting, St. Johns NL, 2016.

Anomalous altitude effect in permanent implant brachytherapy seeds
E. Watt, D. Spencer, T. Meyer
Med. Phys. 42(6), 3359–60 (2015). Presented at AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, July 12-16, 2015.

In-vivo skin dose evaluation for Pd-103 permanent breast radiotherapy implants
E. Beals, E. Watt, T. Meyer, E. Villarreal Barajas
IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, ON, June 8-12, 2015.

Dosimetric Variations in Permanent Breast Seed Implant (PBSI) Evaluated at Different Arm Positions using Deformable Image Registration
E. Watt, S. Husain, K. Long, M. Sia, D. Brown, T. Meyer
IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, ON, June 8-12, 2015.

An innovative approach used to implement a permanent breast seed implant (PBSI) brachytherapy program including education and training methods
K. Long, S. Husain, E. Watt, T. Meyer
COMP Winter School, Kelowna, BC Feb 1-5, 2015

Permanent Breast Seed Implant (PBSI): What is the Effect of Arm Position on Post-Implant Dosimetry?
E. Watt, S. Husain, K. Long, M. Sia, T. Meyer
Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute Symposium, Calgary, AB, Jan 30, 2015.

"Intra-operatively planned I-125 seed implantation experience at the TBCC.” Continuing Education Session: Brachytherapy.
T. Meyer
Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), July 9-12, Banff AB (2014)

Implanted Brachytherapy Seed Movement Due to Transrectal Ultrasound Probe-Induced Prostate Deformation
D. Liu, T. Meyer, N. Usmani, I. Kay, S. Husain, S. Angyalfi, R. Sloboda
AAPM Annual Meeting Texas, July (2014)

Evaluation of Dosimetric Variations in Partial Breast Seed Implant (PBSI) due to Patient Arm Position (Up vs. Down)
E. Watt, K. Long, S. Husain, T. Meyer
Med Phys 41 (8), 24-25 (2014).Presented at COMP Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), July 9-12, Banff AB (2014)

Dosimetric validation of electronic compensation for radiotherapy treatment planning
J. Gräfe, R. Khan, T. Meyer
Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), July 9-12, Banff AB (2014)

Implanted brachythearpy seed movement due to transrectal ultrasound probe-induced prostate deformation
D. Liu, T. Meyer, N. Usmani, I. Kay, S. Husain, S. Angyalfi, R. Sloboda
Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), July 9-12, Banff AB (2014)

Effects of beam symmetry on enhanced dynamic wedge quality assurance and tolerance levels
T. Meyer and A. Hudson
COMP, July 11-14, Halifax, Nova Scotia (2012)

Permanent seed re-implantation using image guidance for composite dose planning
T. Meyer, M. Sia, S. Husain, W. Smith
COMP, July 11-14, Halifax, Nova Scotia (2012)

Development of a re-implantation procedure for dosimetric improvements in permanent implant prostate brachytherapy
T. Meyer, M. Stia, S. Husain, W. Smith
CAP Congress, June 11-15, Calgary, Alberta (2012)